duminică, 22 septembrie 2013


M-am pierdut.

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

Read the things. Do, see, listen to the things. Exercise all the things; your body; your mind; your controlled emotions. Treasure the youth in your unlocked heart right where it belongs. Process your thoughts with constructive realism. Slow down. Embrace solitude and breathe deeply. Slow time down to a crawl. Sleep. Wake up refreshed with hope. Understand the language of beauty and speak it to your wavering commitment. Look for God under the smallest grain of sand, which is under a pebble, which is under a mountain, which is under the sun...which is exactly where you'll find yourself again. There is no hurry to be afraid, so don't hurry there. Now to the gentle embrace of life. It's far too short to wait for yesterday.